
Minggu, 29 Desember 2024

Basket Marketing System

In the development of the global economy, currently a country must have a strong foundation to move towards a prosperous society. Food security is one of the strategic issues in the development of a country, especially developing countries, because it has a dual role as one of the main targets of development and one of the main instruments of economic development. In our research, a prototype system was created to help the community in the process of developing a people's economy, and this was done to increase awareness of the pillars of the environment for community welfare. The Neighborhood Association (RT) is part of the government structure in a Village, it is hoped that economic growth at the RT level can create rural or sub-district independence in the economy so as to strengthen the main instrument of national economic development. Building technology and infrastructure at the RT level is part of an effort to develop the rural economy. Further research is needed that leads to the development of IT infrastructure to complement sustainable activities in supporting the economic development process at the RT level, with the existence of the web-based "WarungRakyat" application that implements a basket marketing system to implement a guided people's economy, it is hoped that it will be able to onboard with the community so that it can create an economy at the village level. Understanding the Marketing Basket System The marketing basket system is an active sales technique that does not wait for consumers to come to make transactions but by creating a display case directly in the consumer's space with a relatively affordable radius without additional costs is an effective sales and marketing activity. (f. diky, 2021).

Senin, 16 Desember 2024

Marketing Strategy Through Web Applications

Food security is one of the strategic issues in the development of a country, especially developing countries, because it has a dual role as one of the main development targets and one of the main instruments of economic development. In our research, we created a system prototype to help the community in the process of developing the people's economy, and this was done to increase awareness of the environmental pillars for community welfare. Neighborhood Association (RT) is part of the government structure in a village. It is hoped that growth in the RT's economic level can create rural or sub-district financing in the economy thereby strengthening the main instrument of the nation's economic development. Building technology and infrastructure at the neighborhood level is part of rural economic development efforts. There is a need for further research that leads to the development of IT infrastructure to complete sustainable activities in supporting the economic development process at the RT level , by empowering the web-based " Warung Rakyat " application which implements a basket marketing system to implement guided economic democracy with a bootstrap approach that is responsive to the screens of all application users. In global economic development, currently a country must have a strong foundation to create prosperity for the people within it. An economic system where there is still a mismatch between prices and people's purchasing power, especially in Indonesia, is an indicator of achieving development goals. If you review the statement, food security is one of the strategic issues in the development of a country, especially developing countries, because it has a dual role, namely as one of the main development targets and one of the main instruments (intermediate goals) of economic development. (Sen, 1989). Indonesia still needs a lot of time to improve food security development. Due to the phenomenon currently occurring in Indonesia, temporary wage increases may be reduced but are usually accompanied by higher increases in daily demand, resulting in a race between salary/wage increases and the price of goods. Based on the description of the quote, to become a strong nation, you must strengthen the main elements, such as food security as the basis for nation development . Naighborhood association is part of the government structure under Rukun Warga (RW) in a sub-district or village. It is hoped that the economic strength of the RT level can create rural or sub-district independence in the economy thereby strengthening the main instrument of the nation's economic development. The Pancasila economy can be implemented along with the development of a strong ideological character, the instruments of mutual cooperation in the economic development activities of the people can be projected with many advanced cooperatives that can truly be trusted according to the spirit of spirit in carrying them out. To support the progress of cooperatives, there needs to be an effort to create an application model that is able to help the community in the process of improving the community's economy. People's economy is an economic system that must be adhered to in accordance with our country's philosophy which includes two aspects, namely justice and economic democracy, as well as partiality for the people's economy. (Zulkarnain, 2006) . According to Harto, B, et al (2023), research results show that digitalization allows companies to increase efficiency, transparency and responsibility towards market demands and regulations. Therefore, the basis of this research is to build an application for Warung RT operations which will help minimize energy efficiency, especially in the use of data storage media. And according to Nugrowibowo & Muslimin, 2023, increasing energy efficiency can provide significant benefits, such as reducing energy consumption which will reduce operational costs. So, in RT stall activities, the distribution is carried out to serve the community around the RT, which on average is a relatively affordable distance just by walking, thereby minimizing fuel efficiency in operations. How to design a model for implementing business in economic development at the neighborhood level to be able to increase energy operational efficiency?

Senin, 18 September 2023

Warung Rakyat

Dalam perkembangan ekonomi global, saat ini suatu negara harus memiliki pondasi yang kuat untuk menuju masyarakat yang sejahtera. Ketahanan pangan adalah salah satu isu strategis dalam pembangunan suatu negara, terutama negara berkembang, karena memiliki peran ganda sebagai salah satu sasaran utama pembangunan dan salah satu instrumen utama pembangunan ekonomi. Dalam penelitian kami di buat prototype system untuk membantu masyarakat dalam proses pengembangan ekonomi kerakyatan, dan ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pilar-pilar lingkungan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat. Rukun Tetangga (RT) adalah bagian dari struktur pemerintahan dalam sebuah Desa, diharapkan pertumbuhan ekonomi tingkat RT dapat menciptakan kemandirian pedesaan atau kelurahan dalam perekonomian sehingga memperkuat instrumen utama pembangunan ekonomi bangsa. Membangun teknologi dan infrastruktur di tingkat RT adalah bagian dari upaya pembangunan ekonomi pedesaan. Perlu lebih lanjut adanya penelitian yang mengarah pada pembangun infrastruktur TI untuk melengkapi kegiatan berkelanjutan dalam mendukung proses ekonomi pembangunan di tingkat RT, dengan adanya aplikasi “WarungRakyat” berbasis web yang menerapkan system basket marketing untuk mengimplementasikan ekonomi kerakyatan terpimpin diharapkan mampu secara onboarding dengan masyarakat sehingga mampu menciptakan perekonomian di tingkat pedesaan. Pengertian Sistem Basket Marketing system basket marketing merupakan Teknik penjualan aktif tidak menunggu konsumen datang untuk melakukan transaksi tetapi dengan membuat etalase langsung di ruang konsumen dengan radius yang relative terjangkau tanpa biaya tambahan merupakan kegiatan penjualan sekaligus pemasaran yang efektif. (f. diky, 2021).